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The Downfall of Headphone Jacks

The Downfall of Headphone Jacks

As you can tell by the title of this post, I am pretty upset about phones losing the headphone jack. "Just get a pair of Bluetooth headphones like everyone else and stop being

What's the deal with cars in America?

Cars in America are weird. We’re not even talking about the apparent fascination with massive trucks nor getting to operate two tonne killing machines even before they’re allowed to legally drink

No, Airline Food is Not Terrible

No, Airline Food is Not Terrible

Growing up in a country where western media was prevalent, I was exposed to a lot of American media, despite being in Asia. One of the tropes that I was exposed to was

Yodobashi Unlimited Data 4G SIM Review

Yodobashi Unlimited Data 4G SIM Review

Short ReviewNo, I do not recommend this. It’s expensive and my free 2G roaming from T-Mobile was sometimes more dependable than the “4G” service. Just use Starhub's roaming plan. It's not too